In-nest in Yourself

Gray Ceramic Mug Near Black and Silver Camera and Open Book
Welcome to In-nested

An online sanctuary for burnt-out female entrepreneurs

“52% of female entrepreneurs report higher levels of burnout compared to 45% of male entrepreneurs.”

If over half of the nearly 13 million businesses in the US being founded by women struggle to keep up with the demands of their high-achieving path, something needs to change about the way we do business.

Instead of cornerstones like profit, performance, and progress at any cost, In-nested offers the modern lady-preneur another path. One built on the holistic and sustainable backbone of her own values and beliefs, prioritizing rest and wellness as a business strategy.

Meet The founder

Self-investment Advocate, Wife, Wellness Solopreneur

Hi, it’s Kai! Founder and author of In-nested, and massage therapist turned wellness strategist. My work speaks to my fellow lady-preneurs who feel overwhelmed with the chaos of balancing life and business and want to find success personally and professionally without stress or strain.

I welcome you to my Nest. ♡

“Create your own peace, and live in it.”

-R.H. Sin

Invest in yourself as you would your business

Do you find yourself struggling to balance work commitments while prioritizing your own well-being? In-nested is here to support you on your journey to beat burnout, reduce stress, and achieve greater balance in your life and work.

Composition of white vase and candle with pile of books on table on white background

In-nested directory in a Snapshot

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