Stress Management for the Sensitive Soul

“Stress acts as an accelerator: it will push you either forward or backward, but you choose which direction.”

―Chelsea Erieau

stress management for the sensitive soul

According to the Mental Health Foundation, stress is described as: “The feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure.” Stress is something we can all relate to, especially those sensitive souls among us. 

From mortgages, unemployment, and failed relationships (not to mention a certain global pandemic), it is no wonder people are staggering around trying to find their footing on a slippery mental health slope. 

Thankfully in recent years, there has been more advocacy of and tools for people to manage their stress levels.

Empaths and introverts being naturally more sensitive to the external world around them are more likely to experience stress. Being more easily overwhelmed creates an internal atmosphere of imbalance. Things like bright lights, loud sounds, crowded rooms, and confrontation can create a storm of internal chaos that stresses out an already sensitive mind.

The often unknown danger of stress is that it not only affects your mood and social/mental performance, but it can have serious detrimental effects on your body. Soft souls that are constantly under stress can experience physical symptoms like headaches, an upset stomach, high blood pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping. Likewise, emotional stress can lead to depression, panic attacks, or other forms of anxiety and worry.

All of this can be more than overwhelming. On top of the major issues in the world: social and racial disputes, environmental issues, wars and, world hunger etc. Each of us individually have our own issues to stress over: family drama, romantic relationships, work/life balance, maintaining health, maintaining social relationships, and so much more.

I don’t have to spell it out to you any further than that, I’m sure as you read the above your own stressors were triggered in your mind.  

With all that overloading our minds, it makes you understand why people hermit into themselves. Turning from society, running to live in the hills, only emerging when they’ve run out of toilet paper!

Life is hard. No one in their right mind who has lived and seen more than a day could tell you differently. Even for those, we see as “blessed”, who seem to have it all together and haven’t a care in the world, believe me, they too feel the strain of life however well they hide it. And now you must be wondering, “What is your point here? Where is the punchline where you tell us what to do to make this go away?” And funnily enough, I’m here to help you find that on your own. 

While yes, there is a multitude of great ways you can manage and overcome stress from therapy, exercise, essential oils, and journaling my message here isn’t to push one of those methods on you. 

What you can expect:

 A) Let you know that you are not alone in the feelings that arise with stress, the suffocating and debilitating grip it can have on your life, blocking you from achieving your fullest potential and reaching your goals. 

B) To help support you as you grow and discover what helps YOU the best to overcome your stress. I have found there is never just one approach that works, it will likely take a combination of habits and techniques to design your own personal formula for stress reduction.

As an example, my formula for stress reduction is as follows:

Regular massage + baking + essential oils + Pilates + blanket nests + bubble baths + a clean home + journaling + tea + organization = Stress Free Kai. 

Now, is that formula all-inclusive? No. The above formula shows just some of the ways I use to realign my mind and body back into a state of peace.

Along with those activities are the more challenging side to stress reduction. The difficult self-work needs to be done to improve my internal mindset and systems to prevent my stress from getting out of hand.

Empaths and introverts, people with sensitive minds more easily attract negativity from the outside world. These deep feelers are able to pick up on social cues better, they can feel when the mood of a room changes and their social batteries lose their charge faster than the average person. These abilities are a gift that can allow you to connect with yourself and others on a much deeper and more impactful level when your mindset and focus are healthy and balanced.

Not every sensitive soul is healthy or balanced, which is where exhaustion, overwhelm, and stress comes to play. In order to make that leap to maintain a better inner balance you must work on shifting your mindset. Rewire your thought patterns and create a more determined and bolder you. One that doesn’t allow negative stress to hang around. 

 It is easy? No. 

Do you have to do it alone? Also no. 

From loved ones, self-help books, and blogs (like this one!) to licensed therapists (which I highly recommend) there are always ways to get the guidance you need.

Final Notes:

So, if you want a punchline to this post it would be: “Be brave”, as Rafael in ‘Jane the Virgin’ would say. 

One of the deadly ways stress can attack us is how it makes us feel unworthy of feeling better. Of doing things for ourselves because there is always something or someone else to worry about or get done. Stress is selfish, it wants your full focus. It can control your life, keeping you in a state of constant worry and fear where you cannot even draw a breath without feeling guilty about wasting time.  

That is no way to live, you were not created to be a slave to stress. I challenge you instead to turn the tables on it. Let that stress fuel your desire to be better, and take your control back.  

Acknowledge your fears and honor your responsibilities while working on creating a new balance. When healthy, stress is not all bad. Stress gives us the ability to prioritize, to keep us safe when dangers are around. It can even be a part of adrenaline-filled excitement, like when riding a rollercoaster or yelling out a drive-by compliment, nerve-wracking but exhilarating! Balance is where a sensitive souls happy place is. Find your formula of what tastes, smells, sounds, and experiences help you cultivate your way to prioritize yourself and keep your stress within healthy levels. 

As always I believe in you, you can do this, you are important. 

Don’t allow deadlines, possibilities, and what if’s, dictate your life. 

Something I’ve recently adopted in my own life is the need to stay in the present moment, it’s all you have. To live in the past or have trepidation over the future will do nothing except waste your now. Where you actually are is in the moment, and is where you can make the most impact on your life. Just imagine what tomorrow would feel like not carrying around the pressures you have taken on. 

If you cannot even imagine what that would feel like, then you know some work needs to be done. There is no shame in where you are now. Each of us takes life at our own pace, there is no race and the only finish line is to get yourself to a state of peace and happiness; then just maintain it. Take responsibility for your happiness, and don’t let stress hold you back from seeing how far you can fly.

Until next time,

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